by Feroze Mithiborwala
Project for the New American Century(Sept 2000) states that theprocess of transforming the US into"tomorrow's dominant force" islikely to be a long one in the absence of "some catastrophic andcatalyzing event like a New Pearl Harbour".
George Bush writes in his diary on 9/11-"The New Pearl Harbour of the21st century took place today".
Tony Blair "to be truthful about it, there was no way we could have gotthe public consent to have suddenly launched a campaign in Afghanistanbut for what happened on Sept. 11". (Times July 17th 2002)
Benjamin Netanyahu( former Prime minister of Israel) asked tonightwhat the attack meant for relations between US and Israel, he replied" it's very good then he edited himself : " well not very good but itwill generate immediate sympathy". ( New York Times Sept 12 2001)
The BBC's George Arney reported (Sept. 18 2001) that US officials hadtold former Pakistan Foreign Secretary Niaz Naik in mid-July of plansfor Military action against the Taliban Regime which could occur inOctober.
Retired US General Anthony Zinni and former chief of the US Centralcommand: "Neocons in the Defense Department long ago urged an invasionof Iraq as a step towards US control of the Middle East. Everyone inWashington knows "Oil and Israel" are the real reasons for the war".
Undoubtedly the September. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks have been adefining moment in modern history. It has forever changed thedirection of global politics. 9/11 was not a bolt out of the blue butoccurred in a political and socio economic global context that needsto be analyzed if we are to deconstruct the myth of 9/11 and theGlobal Wat on Terror (GWT). "9/11" is the showpiece of the GWTdeclared by the George Bush Junta and their doctrine of "preventivewars" which is pushing the world into a state of "perpetual warfare".Thus in order to combat the deception and hypocricy of the GWT we haveto expose the true reasons as well as the perpetrators who planned andexecuted the 9/11 terror attack.
In the early 1990's in the aftermath of the collapse of the SovietUnion there was a crisis for the US military-industrial-energycomplex. There were no enemies !!. Thus military spending wasshlashed, questions were raised about foreign deployments and the roleof NATO was very difficult to define. The then chief of armed forcesGeneral Colin Powel stated " think hard about it, I'm running out ofvillians", Condoleeza Rice wrote " the US has found it exceedinglydifficult to define it's national interests in the absence of theSoviet power".
At the same time American foreign policy was being radically redefinedby Neocon cabal of Rumsfield, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz and RichardPerle. In the PNAC (2000) in a report titled "Rebuilding Americas'sDefenses; Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century" , Itspells out "American Grand Strategy" for "as far into the future aspossible".
This report clearly states that "while the unresolved conflict withIraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantialAmerican force presence in the gulf, transcends the issue of theregime change of Saddam Hussein". Clearly, the US plan to invade Iraqhad nothing to do with Saddam Hussein or weapons of mass destruction.The invasion of Iraq was planned well in advance and Saddam Husseinwas only an excuse.
Another document, "The National Security Strategy of the USA"(released on Sept.17, 2002 hereafter NSSUSA ). It is an officialstatement and should be restudied carefully since it is the officialforeign policy statement. Following are some of the key excerpts. TheUS enjoys a position of unparalleled military strength and greateconomic and political influence. "Today the world's great powers findourselves on the same side " i.e. the US lacks any rival... "this isthe time of opportunity for America to extend the benefits of freedomacross the globe. We will definitely work to bring the hope ofdemocracy, development of free markets and free trade to every cornerof the world."
The NSSUSA goes on to add that : "The US is faced by a new enemy,shadowy networks of individuals ........organised to penetrate opensocieties .......To defeat this threat we must make use of every toolin our arsenal....... the war against terrorists of global reach is aglobal enterprise of uncertain is in the abovecontext that we must view Condoleeza Rice's statement in the aftermathof 9/11 while addressing the National Security council she said : "How do you capitalize on these opportunities to fundamentally changethe US doctrine and the shape of the world in the wake of Sept. 11".(New Yorker 1/1/02)
In other words, terrorism is not the target, but instead thegovernment offers opportunities for the US to pursue its strategicagenda over an infinite time frame and across geographical boundaries.
Out of this foreign policy which clearly defines strategies and goalsfor the US global hegemony has also arisen the theory of a NewImperialism for the 21st century encompassing every aspect and sphereof politics, economics, society, religion and culture.
Unbelievable to most people, especially in the third world who havegained their independence and sovereignity by struggling againstcolonialism and racism - imperialism is once again emerging as a vitaland respectable school of thought in certain key quartersUS-UK-Israeli intellectuals.
The threat of justification is that advanced states face a threat from"pre-modern states" such as Afghanistan. The pre-modern world is aworld of failed states. They can provide a base for non-state actorswho may present a danger to the post-modern world. Thus sometheoreticians of the empire advocate a "defensive imperialism".
Interestingly, even the failure of such states to follow "economicpolicies" as laid out by the advanced world justify colonialism. Whatis needed, they say is a new kind of imperialism, one acceptable to aworld of human rights and cosmopolitan values. Zbigniew Brzerzinski, akey advisor to Carter and architect of the fall of the USSR, describesthe main task of the US in the preservation of it's empire as being"to prevent collusion and maintain dependence among the vassals, tokeep tributaries pliant and protected and to keep the barbarians fromcoming together".
There is a concerted attempt by the US in the wake of it's wars andoccupation of Afghanistan and Iraq to prod the UN to reinstate the"Mandate System" so as to give a legal and respectable basis toColonialism. Here the occupied countries would be put under thesupervision of the occupying Imperial power.
Undoubtedly one of the central underlying objectives of the US wars iscontrol of the Oil resources as well as the Pipeline routes. For theUS to maintain the Dollar hegemony, especially against the Euro, itwas imperative for the US to control the oil reserves to preserve it'sstatus as the sole superpower. The European nations as well as Japanare totally dependent on oil imports to power their economies. Thusthe US stranglehold over the oil reserves is a key component of it'sstrategic long term objectives. Prior to the invasions of Afghanistanand Iraq the major oil producing nations namely Iran, Iraq, Russia andVenezuela were contemplating a shift to the Euro.
Also it is important to understand as to how the US inspite of havinga massive national debt manages to maintain itself as a superpower.Any other nation running an annual deficit of $500 billion annuallywould have gone bankrupt, but not the US. The answer to this riddlelies here. Being the world's leading capitalist economy and militarysuperpower, it's currency has and is being used for payments betweencountries and therefore for their foreign exchange reserves. When theUS needs to pay it's debts, it merely issues a treasury bond ( i.e.borrows from the capital market) to which investors from around theworld rush to subscribe. Foreign investors buy not only bonds issuedby the government, but also American corporate bonds, shares and realestate. These inflows soaking up the world's savings ensures that theUS is able to import more than her exports, year after year withoutsuffering the treatment meted out by the World Bank and IMF tocountries like Argentina and Brazil. The endless supply of golden eggsdepends on the US maintaining it's status as the supreme imperialistpower and the dollar remaining as the prime currency for internationalpayments. However, that is precisely what is now threatened
Post 9/11, Afghanistan was the first country to be targeted in termsof implementing the new foreign policy objectives of the Empire. Iraqwas to soon follow with threats to Iran, North Korea, Syria......
The Guardian (Sept. 26, 2001) reported that in July 2001, pre-9/11, ina four day meeting in Berlin which was held under the arbitration ofFrancesc Vendrell, personal representative of UN General Secretary wasattended by senior Americans, Russians, Iranians and Pakistanis, "theAmericans indicated to us that in case Pakistan also dosen't help usto influence the Taliban, then the US would be left with no option butto take overt action against Afghanistan" said Niaz Naik a formerforeign minister of Pakistan. Further on French TV Naik said "at onemoment during the negotiations the US representatives told the Taliban- either you accept our offer of gold or we bury you under a carpet ofbombs".
But why is a dry, dismal and sandy Afghanistan worth conquering?Zbigniew Brzerzinski tells us exactly why in a Council on ForeignRelation Study called the Great Chess Board: American Primacy and it'sGeo-Strategic Objectives (1997). Do keep in mind that Afghanistan isstrategically located between South Asia, Central Asia and the MiddleEast. Thus the hawkish Brzerzinski gives us a history lesson, "eversince the continents started interacting politically, some 500 yearsago, Eurasia has been the centre of world power". Eurasia is all theterritory east of Germany and accounts for 75% of the world'spopulation, 60% of the world's GNP and 75% of the world's known energyresources.. This means Russia, Middle East, China and parts of India.He acknowledges that Russia and China bordering oil rich central Asiaare the two main powers threatening US hegemony in the region. Hefurther goes on to say that the power that controls Caspian oil andgas will control the global economy. Nafees Ahmad in his book "The Waron Freedom" sums up "Brzerzinski clearly envisaged that theestablishment, consolidation and expansion of US military hegemonyover Eurasia through Central Asia would require the " unprecedented,open-ended militarization of foreign policy, coupled with anunprecedented manufacture of domestic support and consensus on thismilitarization campaign"
But the problem is the American people and Brzerzinski understandsthis small problem and is thinking ahead in 1997. He states "moreover,as America becomes an increasingly multicultural society, it may findit more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues,except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceiveddirect external threat".
Time and again leading US and Israeli leaders have publicly statedthat they will be unable to get the sanction of their people for warunless "some catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new PearlHarbour takes place" .
Consider the following: Rumsfeld's influential Defense Science Board2002 Summer Study on Special Operations and Joint Forces in Support ofConquering Terrorism. The report states that the global war on terrorrequires new strategies, postures and organizations. Among otherthings this body would launch secret operations aimed at "simulatingreactions among terrorists and states possessing weapons of massdestruction-that is for instance, prodding terrorist cells into action" and exposing them to quick response attacks by US forces. (WilliamArkin LA Times 27/10/02)
Ehud Barak former prime minister of Israel similarly states "at themoment there is no consensus for an operation against the Syrians,except when the terrorists are concerned" Barak recommended that "thenecessary infrastructure be prepared for a swift action, 1967 styleagainst Syria - an operation - that will develop through a rapid chainof events, a terrorist attack, a strike on terrorists and a quickescalation surprising the Syrians ( Haaretz Jan 1999)
There are various documented precedents for state abetted terroristoperations and infact terrorism as an instrument of state craft.Consider Operation Northwoods. In 1962 US Military leaders designed aplan to conduct terrorist acts against Americans and blame Cuba , inorder to create popular sentiment for an invasion of that country. (Carol A. Valentine )
9/11 - The Myth
"I will never apologize for USA - I don't' care what the facts are "George Bush
On 9/11 the day when the USA was attacked, President andconstitutionally Commander-in-Chief of the Armed forces was in anursery school.Observing his actions or rather his non-actions havegiven rise to all sorts of suspicions. Normally a Commander in such acrisis on being informed would go straight to the Militaryheadquarters and direct operations. This is what Bush actually did ordid not do according to Stan Goff, a retired US Army veteran who hastaught military science and doctrine at West Point.
Goff writes - "The so called evidence is a farce": " I have no ideawhy people are not asking some very specific questions about theactions of Bush and company on the day of the attacks. Four planes gothijacked and deviated from their flight plan, all the while on the FAAradar".
Goff like other astonished military experts cannot fathom why thegovernment's automatic "standard order" of procedure in the event of ahijacking was not followed. Once a plane has deviated from it's flightplan, fighter planes are immediately sent to find out why. That ismandatory law and does not require presidential approval, it onlyneeds to be given if there is a decision to shoot down the plane.
Goff further explains: The planes are all hijacked between 7.45 am and8.10 am eastern daylight time. Who is notified? This is anunprecedented event but the President is not notified , who is on hisway to a Florida elementary school to hear children read.
By 8.15 am it should be very apparent that something is terriblywrong. The President is chatting with the teachers.
By 8.45 am when American Airline Flight 11 crashes into the WTC, Bushis settling in with the children for his photo ops at BookerElementary. Four planes have been hijacked simultaneously, an eventnever before seen in history and one has just dived into the world'sbest known twin towers and still no one notifies the nominalCommander-in-chief.
No one has apparently scrambled any Air force interceptors either!!.
At 9.03 am United Flight 175 crashes into the remaining WTC building
At 9.05 am Andrew Card the presidential Chief-of-Staff, whispers toBush (note: a full 1 hour 20 minutes after the first hijacking) who"briefly turns sombre"
Does he cancel his school visit? No ! He resumes listening to secondgraders and continues the banality even as AA flight 77 conducts anunscheduled point turn over Ohio and heads in the direction ofWashington DC.
An excruciating 25 minutes later at 9.30 am he finally decides to makea public statement .i.e. a whole 1 hour 45 minutes after the firsthijacking. And Bush tells the American people what we have all beenwitness to on our TV screens across the world. Somehow it seems fromamongst all of us, President Bush was the last to know. At that verymoment a hijacked plane is heading to Washington DC, but has the AirForce been scrambled to defend anything yet? No!!
At 9.30 am when Bush finally makes his announcement AA flight 77 isstill 10 minutes from it's target The Pentagon. At 9.35 am, this planeconducts another turn, 360 degrees over the pentagon, all the whilebeing tracked by radar and the Pentagon is still not evacuated andthere are still no interceptors from the Air force in the sky overAlexandria and DC.
There is still another darker side to this story. The nonchalance ofGeneral Richard B. Meyers acting Joint Chief-of-Staff is as puzzlingas the Presidents.
A sergeant writing later in the American force press service describedMeyers at the Capitol chatting with Senator Max Cleland "while in anouter office, he said, he saw a TV report that a plane had hit theWTC. They thought it was a small plane or something like that Meyerssaid. So the two men went ahead with the official call". The reportgoes on "the second WTC tower was hit by another Jet. Nobody informedus of that Meyers said. Then right at that time, somebody said thePentagon had been hit. Finally somebody thrust the phone in Meyershand and as if by magic the Commanding General of NORAD our air spacecommand - was on the line just as the hijackers mission had beensuccessfully completed except for the failed one in Pennsylvania. Inlater testimony to the Senate Armed Committee, Meyers says that hethinks that as of his cell phone talk with NORAD the decision at thatpoint was to start launching aircraft.
General Meyers should have been court-martialled.He claims to havebeen uninformed until the third strike, but the Pentagon has beenoverseeing the hijacked planes from the strike at the first tower. Butnot until the third strike at the Pentagon itself, was a decision madeto scramble the fighter air craft.
According to law, the fighters should have been up within 10 minutesor by 8.15am. if they had, all three hijacked planes may have beenintercepted and shot down. One wonders who and what kept the Air Forcefrom following it's normal procedures instead of waiting for 1 hourand 20 minutes. Obviously, somebody had ordered the Air Force to makeno move to intercept those hijackings until they had completed theirmacabre mission!! It is quite clear that the delay in response couldnot have infected the entire air force along the east coast. Mandatorystandard operating procedures had been told to cease and desist!
Now let us some of the other facts that have appeared in books andarticles in America and Europe which have raised certain pertinentquestions, uncovered facts and drawn conclusions based on them.The respected theologian Ray Griffin in his book, "The New PearlHarbour: disturbing questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11"raises some of the following key questions .
* Why did the Bush administration say it didn't anticipate theSeptember 11 attacks when the CIA and the FBI specifically andrepeatedly warned it that Al Qaeda was planning to hijack planes andfly them into US targets including the WTC and the Pentagon?.
* Why is there no physical evidence of a Jet having crashed into thePentagon? Independent onlookers say that they saw a missile flyinginto the building.
* Why did Bush delay his response by 30 minutes even after he wasinformed of the attacks and he still continued reading a children'sbook? Why was he not whisked away by his security agents who aretrained to believe he is a logical target of terrorists ?.
In his path breaking book "Appalling Fraud" the French writer TheirryMeyssan accuses the US military of masterminding the 9/11 attacks.
Reproduced below are few of the interesting points:
Bin Laden's involvement : " This myth does not stand analysis since hewas a former CIA agent who was paid a visit by the head of CIA as latea July 2001 in a Dubai hospital".
The US military, to further their interest and hegemony all over theworld was responsible for the attacks.
The fact that the Presidential codes were decoded by the attackersproves that atleast one of the masterminds of the attack was a USmilitary official.
It is a possibility that the hijacked planes of Sept. 11 were actuallyremote controlled. For 2 hours before the attack, waves from a homingdevice were recorded transmitting from and interfering withtransmissions from the Twin Towers and such a device could be used todirect planes.
The role of Vice-president Dick Cheney has also come in for closescrutiny by documentary film maker Michael C. Rupert. In his filmabout 9/11, "Crossing the Rubicon" he makes the following statement."I will name vice President Cheney as the prime suspect in the massmurders of 9/11 and will establish that not only was he a planner ofthe attacks but also on that day he was running a completely separatecommand, control and communication system which superseded any ordersbeing issued by the FAA, The Pentagon or the White House SituationRoom".
Michael Meacher MP, Govt. of UK has made the following observations:
15 of the 9/11 hijackers obtained their visas in Saudi Arabia. Since1987 the CIA had been illicitly issuing visas to unqualifiedapplicants from the Middle East and bringing them to the US fortraining in terrorism for the Afghan war in collaboration with BinLaden. (BBC Nov. 6, 2001). It is also reported that this CIA operationcontinued after the Afghan war for other purposes. Five of thehijackers received training at secure US military installations in the1990's. (Newsweek Sept. 15, 2001)
Even when Zacharias Moussaoui was arrested in august 2001 and evenwhen it was learned that he had ties to radical Islamists and awarrant issued for the purpose, the FBI did not arrest him. (NewsweekMay 20, 2002).
Between Sept. 2000 and June 2001 the US Military launched fighteraircraft on 67 occasions to chase suspicious aircraft . ( AP - August13, 2002).
A former US Federal crimes prosecutor, John Loftus stated "theinformation provided by the European Intelligence Services prior to9/11 was so extensive that it is no longer possible for the CIA or FBIto assert a defence or incompetence".
AL QAEDA & 9/11
The Sudanese Security Services led by Major General Erwa, minister fordefence had offered to extradite Bin Laden in March 1996. US officialssaid "just ask him to leave, just don't let him go to Somalia". Erwareplied "we will let him go to Afghanistan " and the US officials said"Let him". (Washington Post - October 3, 2001).
In a recently published book "Bin Laden the Forbidden Truth" byBrisard and Dasquie reveals that th Deputy Director of the FBI JohnO'Neill resigned in July 2001 in protest due to official obstructionof terrorism. While with the FBI, O'Neill led an investigation of BinLaden and had forecast the possibility of an organized attack byterrorists operating from within the country. O'Neill had complainedthat "the main obstacles to investigate Islamic terrorism were US Oilinterests and the role played by Saudi Arabia". The US ambassador toYemen forbade O'Neill and his FBI team from entering Yemen toinvestigate Bin Laden. O'Neill was hired as Chief of Security at theWTC and died on September 11, the first day of his new job. Hereportedly died while saving others. ( Irish times November 19, 2001)
In my estimation al-Qaeda is a hoax and a cruel fraud beingperpetrated on the people. Bin Laden's acts of terror and videocassettes appear when Bush most needs them. There is a clear patternhere . Bin Laden and al-Qaeda are nothing but fronts of the CIA andMOSSAD, a phantom created to pursue their never ending war on terror.Israel and 9/11
The role of Israel
Ari Shavit - Liberal Jew : "The war in Iraq was concieved by 25neoconservative intellectuals, most of them Jewish, who are pushingPresident Bush to change the course of history." (Haaretz NewsService- Israel, April 5, 2003)Thomas Friedman - Liberal Jew : (Quoting Dr. Henry Markow - Inventorof Board Game Scruples -10/2/2003)"If the US gets bogged down withheavy casualities on both sides, Americans are going to blame Big Oiland Zionism for getting them into this mess. Everybody knows that : 1)The only country that fears Iraq's WMD's is Israel. 2) American Jewishneocons on the Defence Policy Board (Wolfowitz-Perle) planned this warand made it Bush administration policy. 3) The purpose of this war isto change the balance of power in the Middle East so Israel can settlethe Palestinian issue on its own terms and 4) The US Congress tremblesin fear of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)".(New York Times, April 4, 2003).
Now consider the following facts:The cancelled visit of PM Ariel Sharon: Sharon was scheduled toaddress a pro-Israeli rally in New York on September 11, but his tripwas cancelled by Shabak an Israeli secret service agency. Similarly onthe day of the recent 7/7 London Bombings, Benjamin Netanyahu, FinanceMinister of Israel, was warned by the MOSSAD just prior to the blasts.
David Stern Report (expert on Israeli intelligence): This reportdated September 13, 2001 says that a US military intelligence memopoints to the Israeli MOSSAD, having links to the attacks on the WTCand Pentagon which "described information that pointed to the threatof a covert Israeli operation on US soil to turn mass public opinionagainst Palestinians via an apparent attack on US soil". Neither Bush,Cheney or Rumsfeld have denied the existence of this memo.Army School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) thinks that Israel iscapable of targeting US forces and make it look like aPalestinian/Arab act. ( Washington Post September 10, 2001)Two Odigo emplyoyees received a message warning them 2 hours prior tothe 9/11 attack. Odigo is an Israeli owned instant messaging servicewith headquarters in New York and offices in Herzilya. (HaaretzSeptember 22, 2003)
In the wake of 9/11 terrorist attacks, the FBI has stumbled upon thelargest espionage ring ever discovered inside the US. The justicedepartment is now holding nearly 100 Israeli citizens with direct tiesto foreign military, criminal and intelligence services. The spy ringincludes employees of two Israeli companies that currently performalmost all the official wiretaps for US local, state and federal lawenforcement. (Charles R. Smith - - December 20, 2002)
Five jubilant Israeli's were caught filming the WTC attacks. Maria aNew Jersey housemaker reported These young men to the FBI. She said'they were like happy, you know......They did not look shocked to me. Ithought it was very strange.' These men were taking videos ofthemselves with the WTC in the background.Israel has much to gain from the 9/11 terrorist attacks It willfurther use the bogey of terror to surpress the Palestinian strugglefor an Independent and Sovereign nation and use it as a pretext forthe total ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians from the West Bank andEast Jerusalem. The Israeli lobbies within the US have since long,been strongly advocating the war on Iraq. This would result in Israelemerging as the sole regional power. This would further help inisolating, demonising and alienating Islam and Muslims.
In my analysis, the US and Israeli political and military leadershipconspired at the highest levels and planned, financed, executed andfacilitated the 9/11 terror attacks against their own people so thatthey could then, in the the smokescreen of the bogus GWT, unleashtheir war machine, thus paving the way to realising their ambition ofa Global Amerian Empire.
It is manifestly clear that the nations and peoples' of the world arefacing a ruthless enemy that will go to any extent to achieve theirobjective of Global domination. US imperialism along with its allieswith their agenda of the Global War on Terror, have emerged as thesingle most potent threat and their recourse to lies, hypocrisy anddeceit knows no bounds. At the present juncture there exists a Globalruling junta referred to as the neoconservatives which is an allianceof the Military-Industrial-Energy complex and is also simultaneouslyan alliance of Conservative Evangelical Christians as well as ZionistJews. The alliance extends, permeates and integrates segments ofsimilar persuasion in every nation and society. As we approach thefourth anniversary of 9/11, we can observe that the American peopleare beginning to see through the deception. Bush's domestic ratingsare at an all time low and still falling. The Iraqi resistance isfighting valiantly against the occupier and is turning this battleinto another Vietnam. In these complex and confusing times it is forthe intellectuals of the people to speak out and write with courage soas to expose the falsehood being manufactured by the Empire andthereby bring the truth to the people.